Kalief Browder's Suicide Before The Law - by Jennifer Gonnerman writing for The New Yorker For the company of Antigone In The World, most of whom live in New York, this infuriating story hits close to home. A sixteen-year-old was arrested for a minor robbery he was never proved guilty of and held in jail for three years awaiting trial. He endured terrible abuse and was in solitary confinement for around two years. This month, following a series of attempts going back to his period in jail, he committed suicide. Farzana Parveen's Death by Stoning "Pregnant Pakistani Woman Stoned To Death By Family" - AP report from Lahore, published in The Guardian The horrifying report of a 25-year-old woman murdered last year by her own family members for marrying a man they disapproved of. A quote from the unrepentant father reminds us that many in the world today are terrified of woman’s power and will act out with violence. As Kreon learns, that way is destined to lose. Damage to Education in Kenya "Education In Kenya Suffers at Hands of Shabab Extremists" - by Isma'il Kushkush in The New York Times This is a devastating article about ordinary people, teachers and young people, trying to make a way forward in a climate of terrible violence. Under the threat of Shabab, many teachers refuse to work in northern regions of Kenya. I see Antigone in those who make the choice to return to school and teach. And I see Ismene, whose actions are so easy to understand, so hard to blame, in those who will not return, out of fear for their lives. Women Climbers Rebuilding Nepal "After The Seven Summits" - by Alyssa Roenigk at espnW This is an incredibly inspiring story about a group of Antigones overcoming huge obstacles to climb the greatest mountains on Earth, becoming heroes to young girls in their home towns, and eventually using their skills to help their own devastated country. My attention particularly caught on Maya, whose father consigned her to same living-dead status as Sophocles’ heroine. Maya had the bravery to continue on her mission.