We’ve arrived in Nairobi! Rehearsal this week was light as both our director and our Antigone were off at the Aspen Ideas Fest talking up the project. We reconvened as…
We’ve arrived in Nairobi! Rehearsal this week was light as both our director and our Antigone were off at the Aspen Ideas Fest talking up the project. We reconvened as…
“I’ve never done anything harder, and I’ve never had more fun,” Mosher told us a week ago. It was the end of a week of rehearsals, and while our days…
All around effort really ramped up this week. In the rehearsal room, the actors are on their feet going hammer and tong at long stretches of the play. Imagine coming…
One of the principles behind our project is that we want to be an outward-looking company; we want to have a production with its eyes open to the world around…
During the second week of rehearsal, we were afforded the opportunity to dig deeper into the why of our project. Why Antigone? Why perform it in schools, prisons, public spaces,…
Today’s rehearsal begins with a business meeting. There’s a lot of business on any production, but when you’re touring Africa logistics metastasize. When do we fly? Who picks us up?…
One of the pleasures of working on a rich text is that we get to have the kind of discussions while making the play that audiences will eventually (we hope)…
“After The Seven Summits” – by Alyssa Roenigk at espnW This is an incredibly inspiring story about a group of Antigones overcoming huge obstacles to climb the greatest mountains on…
“Education In Kenya Suffers at Hands of Shabab Extremists” – by Isma’il Kushkush in The New York Times This is a devastating article about ordinary people, teachers and young people, trying…
“Pregnant Pakistani Woman Stoned To Death By Family” – AP report from Lahore, published in The Guardian The horrifying report of a 25-year-old woman murdered last year by her own family…